Corporate Wellbeing

What I do: Lunch and Learn sessions, half day and full day workshops on employee wellbeing and building resilience. We also provide one-to-one counselling to employees requiring extra support.
Why bother with employee wellbeing?
- In Ireland, one in every four people suffer with their mental health.
- VHI found 78% of corporate workers are concerned about their mental health with one in five stating they feel extremely or very stressed.
- IBEC discovered one in five people of working age have experienced a mental health problem such as anxiety or depression.
- A 2017 survey by Gallop found a staggering 85% of employees are disengaged, meaning while employees may be physically present in the workplace, they are far from working at their most productive.
- Through our wellbeing and resilience training, Wellbeing Matters have identified that the most at risk are young adults who are especially vulnerable to feelings of overwhelm, low mood and anxiety. Drawing on my experience as a counsellor I find these young adults have not yet learnt effective ways to deal with work related stress and life’s demands. With an average stay of 3 years, these employees are leaving attractive positions in their droves to escape their stressful lifestyles. Having recruited, trained and nurtured the best talent in the industry, this is an on-going challenge for employers.
Wellbeing Matters supports companies who place employee wellbeing firmly on the agenda.
My work focuses on empowering employees to develop grit and resilience. Our wellness sessions concentrate on increasing the wellbeing of employees through training which looks at:
- Everyday activities that improve wellbeing and help you maintain stamina in tough situations
- Effective ways to become more resilient in your personal and professional life
- Growth versus Fixed mindset and the power of the mind
- Learn to cope better with pressure and other challenges
- Early warning signs of poor mental health and strategies to address this
- The benefits of good nutrition, physical exercise and sleep to improve your mental health

Check out the multiple Benefits of Corporate Wellness Programmes to employee and organisation here